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Hi! I am Kenneth Teo from Singapore. I have just graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a Diploma in Games Design and Development. Throughout the 3 years in my education, I have been put through many team based projects and my role has always been Concept Artist / User Interface Artist working in 3 to 5 man teams.


Over the course of the Final Year Project which lasted for a year, I conceptualised characters & props. Working with game designers and game programmers I have learnt some methods to help make their job a little easier.


Of course, I love games. 


I definitely still have a lot to learn and I am definitely willing to do so. It would be extremely appreciated if you could give me the chance to work for you! if you have any enquires, you can always contact me via email at :


Thank you!

© 2016 K-ART, works by Kenneth Teo

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